“I primi mesi del 2021 vedranno la realizzazione delle attività previste per “Un futuro possibile”, un progetto del Collegio del Mondo Unito dell’Adriatico finanziato grazie all’importante contributo della Fondation Assistance Internationale (FAI). Il sostegno di questa importante Istituzione internazionale consentirà a cinque giovani rifugiati o sfollati interni provenienti da Iraq, Palestina e Sud Sudan e ad un minore straniero non accompagnato in Italia di frequentare il biennio 2021/23 presso il United World College di Duino. 

Nel corso dei primi sei mesi del 2021, si concluderanno le selezioni degli studenti svolte nei paesi citati grazie alla collaborazione con le rispettive Commissioni Nazionali UWC. L’avvio ufficiale del progetto è avvenuto la scorsa settimana, nel corso della quale abbiamo incontrato online i rappresentanti delle Commissioni Nazionali UWC coinvolte”.

Per continuare a leggere l’articolo entrare su


“The Ariadne Forecast is a community created resource that draws on Ariadne’s network of more than 616 funders in 22 countries. Ariadne participants and other friends of the network were asked six questions about trends in their field for 2020. Surveys and interviews were collected from members across Europe together with forecast meetings for funders in Amsterdam, Como, London and Paris to discuss and add to the findings. In the end around 176 people have had the chance to contribute to the Forecast. While the meetings and discussions at them were private, the final forecast is publicly available for all, as a reflection on the current direction of the sector.”

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How foundations can contribute to the European agenda of Democracy, diversity and social cohesion?

Rien Van Gendt:  Humanity in Action International Conference-  Strasburgo

 Strasburgo dal 5 all’8 luglio 2018 si è tenuta la conferenza internazionale Humanity in Action. L’Intervento di Rien Van Gendt, esperto mondiale di fondazioni, private, di famiglia, comunitarie, suggerisce spunti interessanti per il ruolo e la gestione delle fondazioni private.

I want to explore with you how foundations can contribute to the European agenda of democracy, diversity and social cohesion. What is the unique role that foundations can play in this context, do they actually play that role and what are the bottlenecks they have to face?

But first two premises. I believe in Europe: European countries share so many common interests with respect to economy, climate, culture, environment and security; and above all, they share common values. I believe in Europe, despite the fact that the European project is challenged. More than ever do we realise that forces of nationalism and populism threaten a Europe, which we took for granted so far. I am Vice President of the European Cultural Foundation and for years we felt that we could focus a large part of our resources on the relationship between Europe and its neighbours, whether in Eastern Europe, the Middle East or North Africa.

However over the last years we gradually realised that Europe is internally divided and fragmented, that the concept of Europe is under threat and that we therefore should allocate more resources to the internal dynamics of Europe. Of course we also realised that we cannot strengthen Europe, if we do not include other regions, but yet we started to put more focus on the internal dynamics. In our case in the European Cultural Foundation we do this through culture, as we see culture not primarily as something to celebrate but as an instrument to bring about social change. We started to advocate for the notion that Europe is important and is more than just coal and steel and one currency, and that culture could contribute to cross-border respect for each other; to social cohesion.

This is my first premise. My second premise is that civil society organisations, including philanthropic entities like foundations, can play an important role to contribute to the European agenda.  Governments, both on the national and European level, have no monopoly in serving the public interest. There is an important role to be played by civil society. These are my two premises: a belief in the importance of the European project and a belief in the role that civil society can play to contribute to democracy, diversity and social cohesion in Europe.
Although Europe is fortunately often seen by its citizens and by people living outside as a beacon of hope, there are worrying developments: sudden flows of refugees upset citizens; populism and nationalism is on the rise; rising inequalities can be observed; illiberal democracies present themselves; so does religious conservatism; political fragmentation seems the new phenomenon; the dilemma of security versus privacy and liberty is manifest; there is a lack of political courage and, maybe related to this, there is a loss of trust in political institutions. If we want to build a Europe inclusive of different populations, a Europe that adheres to the values of liberal democracy, then social cohesion is of strategic importance. For that Europe to emerge, civil society organisations are an essential partner. Civil society comprises foundations and I will focus on the role of foundations in my presentation.

Foundations are not a substitute for governments; governments in many ways are and remain important not only because of the size of the resources they have at their disposal but also because they have adequate systems of public accountability that give them their legitimacy. Although foundations cannot be seen as substitutes for government, their role yet can be prominent. This cannot only be explained by the retreat of government and by the distrust in politics and governments but also by the distinct role foundations can play in comparison to government. Foundations may not compete with government over the quantity of their financial resources; but they can play a strategic role because of the quality of their resources.
Also the fact that governments are locked up in siloed structures is a disadvantage. It makes it difficult for them to address issues of social cohesion, as this requires an interdisciplinary and a holistic approach. And that is exactly what foundations can offer and are used to.

Furthermore foundations are in an ideal position to address sensitive challenges around social inclusion because of their independence and their long term orientation; it allows them to go to the root causes of a problem; they can deconstruct xenophobia and antisemitism and go to the roots of prejudices.
Governments are increasingly confronted with political fragmentation, they are obliged to rely on the cooperation of a growing number of political parties to create the majority needed for making formal decisions. My own country, The Netherlands, is an example. Such governments are finding it hard to deal with complex issues; they have to form complicated coalitions to reach even more complicated compromises. And when a complicated compromise is reached, they realise that nobody actually owns the compromise. Foundations can compensate for this and can take this opportunity to position themselves.

In sum, contrary to governments, foundations may lack an extensive form of democratic accountability, but they can turn that to their advantage and capitalise on their unique features of independence, taking risks and having a long term horizon.

Thus foundations have something to offer. For this to materialise, forging partnerships is important. Partnerships can be created between foundations. The philanthropic initiative for democracy and solidarity in Europe, called Civitates, is a recent example. It was created by a consortium of 16 foundations under the umbrella of NEF, the Network of European Foundations, to uphold democratic values in Europe. In the US the recent creation of Co-impact, a global collaborative for systems change is yet another example. Partnerships are also being made between foundations and other stakeholders, like the government and the corporate sector. The Major Alliance in the Netherlands was created three years ago to make a concerted effort to bring government, foundations and corporates together on complex issues that require such a multi-stakeholder approach. I am actually responsible in the Major Alliance for the refugee and migration dossier.

A cohesive society needs a strong civil society and the foundation sector in Europe can play, as I said, an important role in this context. The foundation sector is also a significant sector. There are approximately 150.000 public benefit foundations in Europe with estimated assets of 510 billion Euro, spending around 60 billion Euro on an annual basis. The sector is growing rapidly with hundreds of new foundations being created every year. There is a large diversity of foundations: family foundations, corporate foundations, private foundations, lottery foundations and community foundations. More than 50 % of the foundations in Europe were created after 1990. And another interesting feature is that more than 50% of the foundations were created not by bequests but by the founders while still alive. This gave rise to a more engaged form of philanthropy, called venture philanthropy.

If I look at these developments, based on my experience of many years in Europe, the US but also in regions like Latin America, Asia and Africa I see some trends, that are relevant for the discussion regarding the contribution of foundations to the European agenda: there is a wish on the side of many foundations to address global problems, a wish to look at the root causes of a problem, before activities are being initiated; there is a wish to look at effectiveness; a wish to not only donate but also invest in society.

Having said all of this, there are also challenges for the foundation sector; there are bottlenecks and roadblocks and I want to focus the rest of my presentation on these challenges and roadblocks.
First of all not only governments are met with distrust from the citizens and the media but also foundations and civil society organisations in general: issues around salary levels cause irritation, inappropriate sexual behaviour damages organisations like Oxfam Novib, Plan International and Save the Children. Also the endowed foundations are sometimes met with distrust; an example is the Eleanor Helmsley Trust. It was created by Eleanor Helmsley in the US with a donation of around $5 billion for dog welfare. All of this forces us in the foundation world to look at our legitimacy. We have to decide with great integrity, on what we define as the public good. We have to demonstrate that we, with our private money for the public good, have a distinct role to play, that there is an added value in operating a private foundation, that we are transparent and accountable.

A second challenge for the sector is, that although in absolute terms its resources are significant, in comparison to the government, they are minute. It is swimming pool money in comparison to the ocean money of governments. We never could be, as I mentioned before, become a substitute for governments and by the way we should not be a substitute. The challenge is to lower expectations that foundations can step into the vacuum left by governments in retreat. Foundations can play a role complementary to what governments can do. Let me take as an example the issue of refugees. Where governments focus on issues of asylum procedures, housing, shelter and jobs (the hard/tangible issues), foundations tend to play an important role with respect to the soft topics, like social cohesion, the narrative, buddy systems, the process of guiding refugees to the labour market.

A third challenge is that foundations should be more self-critical, reconsider their own practices and improve upon their strategies and activities. They should for instance think more in terms of how to effectively serve the needs of their grantees. They should not be so pro-active in selecting the issues to support, that they have no eye for the relevance of unsolicited proposals. They should also have the finger at the pulse of society and anticipate on upcoming problems instead of rigidly adhere to a mission that stems from the past. With respect to the donor-grantee relationship, foundations sometimes behave like quasi government. Instead of using the advantages of private money (namely to take risks) to the full, there is a development in the direction of bureaucratic practices, that jeopardises the essence of philanthropy. If we ask a small NGO in Haiti, requesting a grant after the earthquake, what its theory of change is, we demonstrate our alienation from the real world. A rigid application of KPIs and a wish to measure everything demonstrates another whim of fashion. Of course it may be relevant to set targets and measure results, but let us not forget that philanthropy allows us to do things that cannot always be measured; that we can contribute to the intangible social capital in society.

When foundations want to work cross-border special challenges present themselves. Let me give some examples. If you as a foundation in a European country invests your assets/your endowment in another European country, there is a fair chance that you are not treated as if you were a foundation in that other country. In other words there is discrimination. If regulation is introduced on the European level to fight for instance against money laundering or tax evasion, foundations are in particular seen as vulnerable to exploitation. Therefore regulation, imposed on us by the European Commission (like the register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners), does not tend to be proportionate and is certainly not risk based and evidenced based. While philanthropy is a key pillar of the European civil society addressing relevant issues and could contribute to the priorities mentioned in the new Multi-annual Financial Framework of the European Commission, the operating environment for foundations in Europe is cumbersome, to say the least. Foundations rightly claim that philanthropy should be on an equal footing as for-profit capital and labour in terms of the fundamental freedom to work across borders. There ought to be a level playing field for philanthropy in Europe.

On May 28 I moderated a symposium in Brussels of the European Foundation Centre (EFC), the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) and the Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe (DAFNE) with the participation of representatives of the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament under the title ‘Co-creating a Single Market for Philanthropy’.  What are the strategies to enable and protect philanthropy more effectively across Europe? Some of my colleagues in the foundation sector aim for recognising philanthropy in the EU Treaties; they want to rewrite the Treaty of Rome; and they want to develop a European supranational legal form for foundations, similar to the vehicle that was embodied in the European Foundation Statute. But we should remember, that the European Foundation Statute failed a few years ago, because there was no unanimity among European countries about such a fundamental new development. And unanimity in all European capitals is always required.

My opinion is that we can better go for the gradual approach; bottom up, calling on the member states to create an enabling environment for foundations and use this as a platform to work in a pragmatic way towards more freedom of philanthropy among European countries. It is an illusion to think that the European treaties will be adapted to include philanthropy. It is an illusion to think that we can have a single European legal form for foundations. It failed a few years ago and now there would be even more reasons for it to fail, because there is an even stronger sense in many countries, that what can be arranged on the national level, should not be arranged on the European level (we call that the subsidiarity principle). During the Symposium in Brussels and in line with my approach (bottom up and gradual), many concrete suggestions were made to improve the possibilities for foundations to do their international work and thus to contribute to the European agenda of social cohesion.

The first suggestion is to strive for a strict application of non-discrimination principles. There are rulings by the European Court of Justice, that Member states cannot introduce laws or measures that are in conflict with the EU freedom of capital. Yet foundations face many problems and have to incur many expenses to start legal procedures in specific cases of violation. Another suggestion is that the philanthropy sector should always have a voice and be consulted in case of new regulations that may affect the sector. For instance when in the frame of the Financial Action Taskforce regulations like the Register for the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) are designed, to fight anti-money laundering, the application to the foundation sector should be tailor made, proportionate and evidenced based. A third suggestion is, that instead of aiming for an European legal form of a foundation or civil society organisation, we focus on comparability of the legal structures in the individual Member countries and we see to it, that such structures are driven by the same values and principles instead of being lookalikes. A French foundation should be able to work with an NGO in Poland, even if that NGO is not an exact copy of the French NGOs. Member countries should be encouraged to embark on easier processes for equivalency determination of NGOs and their donors.

Besides the complexities of cross border grantmaking in Europe that cause roadblocks for foundations to freely operate, there are challenges of another nature: the shrinking or even closing space of civil society in fellow European countries. Unfortunately we became used in recent years to a shrinking space, if we see how cumbersome it is for NGOs in China, India, Turkey or Russia to work freely and how difficult it is for foundations in Europe to support such NGOs. Apparently governments do not always want to be confronted with a critical third sector: it is not seen to be in their national interest. Politicians often play into gut feelings and sentiments in their societies that thrive because people are afraid about the outside world; after all not everybody profits from globalisation. This becomes particularly worrying when it happens inside Europe. I refer to the developments in among others Hungary and Poland. The governments in these countries may want to work on social cohesion but it is not based on diversity and other European values but rather on exclusion, national nostalgia and anti-European sentiments. The complexities of cross border grantmaking, that I mentioned before, become especially acute when fellow European countries put restrictions on the funding of their civil society by outside funders and thereby close the space for their own civil society.

The turmoil around the Central European University in Budapest is a relevant case. It requires a response from the European foundation community and from the European Commission alike. The European Commission seems to have more instruments when such a situation occurs outside the Union in another region, than when it concerns countries like Hungary or Poland. Apparently we never thought that this situation could present itself in Europe, when the Union was being designed. What are the tools we can use in relation to fellow European countries that do not follow the European values? There are infringement procedures (exchange of opinions and eventually bringing the case to the Court of Justice) and there is the nuclear option of art 7 of the Treaty that allows for the suspension of rights of the Member country concerned. What could be the response from the European foundation community? Our sector should show, that it stands by its partners in countries, where we observe a shrinking space for civil society.  The creation of Civitates is, as I mentioned before, an initiative of 16 European foundations that wants to support leaders that stand for democracy; it wants to enhance the public discourse on this topic and wants to contribute to independent media and investigative journalism.

Promoting a level playing field for philanthropy and facilities for the freedom of foundations to do their international work is an important mission. But quid pro quo: it puts on us also the obligation to give a higher priority to our international work on social inclusion, than we do at present.  In addition we should have the courage to address in that context controversial issues instead of hiding behind existing missions. At present there is a limited number of foundations that serve the European agenda through their grant making and social investments. I can imagine that the European Commission, when cooperating on the introduction of a better fiscal and legal framework for us, want to see that the foundation sector is indeed interested in contributing to the European agenda and wants to work on a global European level. Individual foundations should get from their founders, trustees or Boards more discretionary space for such new developments.
I have the impression that we should put more energy in becoming politically relevant in the eyes of the European institutions. For this we have to do two things: step up the international nature of our philanthropy and pay dedicated attention to the communication about this.

The European Commission came up with its new Multi-annual Financial Framework, which shows that partners are needed to materialise the European agenda. Next year are the elections for the European Parliament. This is the moment to underscore by our actual activities and communication, that we are a relevant partner, which can contribute to social cohesion in Europe

Solidarity in Action!

Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative Conference for Strategic Planning – January/February  2019 Baghdad

For the first time, in its 10 years activity, ICSSI  convenes in Baghdad

The Iraq Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) is an advocacy initiative working to build concrete links of solidarity between international civil society organizations and the growing Iraqi civil society. They support advocacy campaigns and projects that promote human rights, a just peace, and all efforts to oppose sectarian conflict, corruption and violence in Iraq. The ICSSI was born out of the worldwide coalition that organized the largest demonstration in history, on February 15, 2003 to protest against the war in Iraq.

It has worked since then to end the foreign occupation of Iraq and to advance dignity, human rights, and social justice for all Iraqi citizens through nonviolent action.
ICSSI supports the involvement of Iraqis in the World Social Forum process and develop its strategy in partnership with the Iraqi Social Forum Committee, since it believes another world is being built through the constructive actions and protests of social movements.

ICSSI has held many conferences, from Rome 2009, to Paris 2010, Erbil 2011, Basra 2012, Oslo 2014, Sulaimaniya 2016 and 2017. At these event, activists from all over the world focused on communication, networking participation, in thematic programs that help support Iraqi civil societu for human and environmental rights.

Over the last decade, Iraqi civil society has continuosly progressed. Iraq hase seen many developments: most recently the defeat of Daesh and the return of vast numbers of internally displaced people to their liberated cities, where the can npow reconstruct peace and reinvigorate civil society . Popular, non violent protests across Iraq have succeded in puttin political reforms, social justice, ensuring basic services for all, and protection of water resources and the environment, among top priorities for Iraqi politicians. Social movements made it clear that Iraqis deserve better and that another Iraq must emerge!

ICSSI saw grants support by FAI through projects of the Italian ngo Un ponte per ( Any further information:

Rondine International Peace Lab at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

Members of Rondine International Peace Lab and fellows of Rondine Cittadella della Pace, representing 25 countries in conflict, took an important call to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This, on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 10th of December 2018. On the event, organized by Rondine Cittadella della Pace, they made an appeal to the 193 member states of the United Nations, other nations, social, religious and economic entities, families and private individuals to:

  1. Provide for the training of new global peace leaders who can intervene in the main contexts of armed conflict in the world to promote the development of pacified social, economic, and political relations. Rondine is committed to training the first 200 leaders over the next 10 years with its Global Intervention Project.
  2. Extend to all the Member States education on human rights in their national education systems, integrating them with the results of the Rondine Method on the creative transformation of conflicts, as a significant development of Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  3. Donate scholarships to train new global leaders. We ask Member States for a symbolic contribution, which can be earmarked in their defense budgets.

This message is launched through a three-year campaign, called: Leaders for Peace, and it was read by two Rondine fellows, an Israeli and a Palestinian.

At the same day, the President of Rondine International Peace Lab, Agharahim Poladov, introduced the Leaders for Peace Campaign, and the appeal directed to the 193 member states of the United Nations, through a speech that explained the severity of the global conflict situation, as well as the possibility that the youth leaders have to make a change, by taking as an example the work that Rondine fellows and alumni are doing.

Below are some phrases from Mr. Poladov speech:

“We believe in a will of a human being and we try our best to prove it. Nadia making a courageous fashion collection from Palestinian and Israeli cultural elements is acting, bringing a right of expression to life. Manuella and Jessica training citizens of Sierra Leone to choose a better future are acting, bringing a right of choice to life; Ismail and Maria mediating dialogues between Azerbaijani and Armenian youth are acting, bringing a right of peace to life.

It all sounds as a dream of maximalists young people who have no idea about real life. But wasn’t UN a maximalists dream to bring peace between nations of the planet? So now, we ask your support, in your own idea, in your own goal, that we share.”

Following the United Nations activity, the members of Rondine International Peace Lab, had the opportunity to meet different international organizations, institutions, and government representatives, concluding with a networking event with the alumni of School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution of George Mason University in Washington DC. Moreover, the Italian Embassy in Washington DC, hosted a presentation of the project: Initiative for Democratic and Peaceful Elections in Sierra Leone, on the event of the first international discussion of the Rondine Method on conflict transformation.

This important initiative and activities were implemented thanks to the generous support of Fondation Assistance Internationale (FAI).

IL CHICCO IASI ROMANIA: 25 anni storia un compleanno importante

30 Ottobre 2018: IL CHICCO festeggia 25 anni, una storia di amore che ha trasformato gli orrori di alcuni orfanotrofi in Romania. Rinascita e cura della persona, insieme a un importante cammino istituzionale, raggiunto grazie alla testimonianza di impegno umano e capacità professionali.

Il Chicco è stato selezionato tra le 50 strutture migliori del paese, e insieme alle istituzioni locali, celebra i suoi 25 anni confermando la validità di progettazione strategiche, ove privato e pubblico insieme cooperano per l’inclusione sociale delle fasce più deboli.

La Delegazione dell’UE in Madagascar ha approvato il Progetto “EQUITE – Education de QUalité pour l’Inclusion et l’égaliTE” di RTM – Volontari nel Mondo

Il Progetto “EQUITE – Education de QUalité pour l’Inclusion et l’égaliTE” è la prosecuzione del progetto “Insieme per i minori vulnerabili di Antananarivo” avviato da RTM – Volontari nel Mondo nel 2016 con il sostegno della FAI con l’obiettivo di migliorare la qualità di istruzione e di vita dei minori in Madagascar. In particolare con il progetto si interviene per prevenire e affrontare il problema dell’abbandono scolastico di bambini e ragazzi vulnerabili nella città di Antananarivo, rafforzando l’efficacia e la sostenibilità di 26 scuole private a vocazione sociale, riconosciute dallo Stato. Le linee principali di attività sono: il rafforzamento organizzativo e gestionale dei centri; il potenziamento dell’offerta educativa e formativa; la responsabilizzazione dei genitori.

Rispetto ai tre ambiti sono stati raggiunti risultati importanti:

  • Il primo aspetto, quello più visibile, riguarda sicuramente le ristrutturazioni e gli allestimenti di locali, ma altrettanto centrale è stata la partecipazione delle scuole partner al percorso triennale di formazione gestionale. Grazie a questa opportunità sono stati avviati percorsi non scontati di riorganizzazione e rafforzamento nella gestione delle risorse umane, nell’organizzazione contabile-amministrativa, nella sfera della comunicazione e della sensibilizzazione sociale;
  • La qualità dell’offerta educativa è aumentata grazie a numerose e corpose sessioni di formazione/aggiornamento degli insegnanti su didattica, pedagogia, lingua francese e informatica; l’accessibilità, intesa come possibilità dei bambini/studenti di partecipazione costante e proficua, è stata inoltre ottenuta attraverso la distribuzione di kit didattici e di formazione professionale agli studenti;
  • La responsabilizzazione dei genitori rispetto alla famiglia e alla scolarizzazione dei figli è cresciuta grazie ad un risultato per certi versi sorprendente: la partecipazione alla ‘scuola dei genitori’ (un ciclo di circa 8 incontri per ogni scuola fatto insieme al Ministero dell’Educazione Nazionale) ha visto una partecipazione media dell’80% dei genitori target; un dato che ha contribuito a garantire la frequenza scolastica dei figli evitando assenze legate a oneri familiari.

Con il passare del tempo le scuole partner hanno sollecitato RTM a dare continuità all’intervento sostenuto dalla FAI per consolidare ulteriormente i risultati raggiunti e per cercare risposte a quei bisogni socio-educativi che sono emersi strada facendo. E’ così nato il progetto  “EQUITE – Education de QUalité pour l’Inclusion et l’égaliTE” che RTM ha presentato alla Delegazione dell’UE in Madagascar. La qualità della proposta, frutto dell’esperienza fatta, è stata premiata e l’intervento è stato selezionato (con avvio a gennaio 2019).


EQUITE dà continuità al sostegno per la scolarizzazione dei minori perché questo tema continua ad essere un’emergenza sociale. Riprendendo dunque quanto fatto con il sostegno della FAI, l’iniziativa amplia la dimensione sociale attraverso:

  • la costituzione di un’équipe per l’appoggio sociale alle famiglie in ogni singolo centro;
  • l’estensione della scuola dei genitori;
  • un lavoro specifico per le famiglie ad alta vulnerabilità che in gran parte sono quelle con un solo genitore, nell’87% dei casi una donna capofamiglia (madre, nonna).


FAI e RTM possono pertanto affermare con soddisfazione che la collaborazione sul progetto “Insieme per i minori vulnerabili di Antananarivo” è stata molto positiva per i tanti frutti dati. Tra questi c’è anche quello di aver reso possibile l’avvio di un nuovo percorso a ulteriore beneficio di minori e famiglie malgasce estremamente vulnerabili.

PROGETTO IntegraTI: La Clinica Luganese Moncucco ci racconta il modello di integrazione che vede un finanziamento pubblico privato

La Clinica Luganese Moncucco è una realtà presente in Ticino dal 1900. È stata costituita da un gruppo di Suore della Congregazione delle Suore Infermiere dell’Addolorata di Como, invitate a Lugano a fondare un ospedale in grado di contribuire alla cura degli ammalati che le strutture dell’epoca non riuscivano a garantire. La Clinica è oggi uno dei principali istituti di cura del Cantone Ticino.

In Ticino vi sono più di 600 persone riconosciute come rifugiati o ammesse provvisoriamente, quindi con una prospettiva di restare per sempre (o perlomeno per anni) a vivere con noi e che non possono ancora contare su un posto di lavoro che gli permetterebbe di ottenere una migliore integrazione e un’indipendenza economica. Nel Cantone Ticino meno del 20% dei richiedenti l’asilo sono effettivamente riusciti a trovare un impiego.

Nel settembre 2015 Papa Francesco ha lanciato un appello a tutto il mondo cattolico invitando “le comunità religiose, i monasteri, i santuari di tutta Europa e le diocesi, a partire da quella di Roma” a dare ai migranti “una speranza concreta” e a non creare “tante isole inaccessibili e inospitali”. Questo appello ha fatto riflettere e discutere anche la comunità della Clinica Luganese Moncucco. Da questa riflessione e dall’appello di Papa Francesco ha quindi preso avvio un lavoro di approfondimento che è sfociato in questo progetto. La speranza, ma allo stesso tempo la convinzione, è quella di promuovere concretamente l’integrazione di individui che potranno così offrire un loro contributo allo sviluppo della nostra società. La speranza è anche quella di poter fungere da esempio per altre realtà presenti sul nostro territorio.


Il progetto mira da una parte a garantire un inserimento nel mondo del lavoro di migranti che hanno una prospettiva a medio e lungo termine di restare nel nostro paese e, dall’altra, a riqualificare professionalmente delle persone che, una volta rientrate nella nazione d’origine, potranno dare un contributo importante per lo sviluppo dei servizi sanitari, spesso carenti.
L’accesso al mondo del lavoro dovrebbe permettere ai rifugiati, e ai loro famigliari, che vivono in Svizzera di acquisire un’indipendenza che è, spesso e volentieri,  la chiave principale dell’integrazione nella società.

Il progetto assume un importante significato anche per la Clinica, che può e potrà approfittare dell’inserimento nel proprio organico di persone portatrici di valori diversi e con esperienze di vita difficili, se non tragiche. I contatti che si svilupperanno tra i collaboratori della Clinica e il personale in formazione integrato in questo progetto contribuiranno sicuramente a rafforzare l’attenzione che tutti noi poniamo nei confronti dell’essere umano, favorendo in particolare un miglioramento delle competenze e dell’attenzione che ogni collaboratore mette in campo quando si prende cura degli ammalati.


Il progetto ha preso avvio nella prima metà del 2016 e si dovrebbe concludere a fine 2020, per una durata di circa 4 anni e mezzo. La durata prevista permette di seguire nell’ambito del progetto almeno un ciclo completo di formazione (due stage della durata complessiva di 12 mesi e l’apprendistato di due o tre anni). Superata la metà del percorso non possiamo che essere soddisfatti di quanto ottenuto. Siamo riusciti ad inserire nel progetto 18 persone provenienti da Afghanistan, Eritrea, Tibet, Iran, Somalia, Turchia e Sri Lanka, coinvolgendo nel progetto i collaboratori della Clinica e numerosi volontari esterni.

Delle 18 persone che hanno iniziato, 15 (83%)stanno  proseguendo il percorso con risultati tutto sommato positivi. Due di loro hanno concluso la formazione e sono state assunte in Clinica dopo essersi fatte conoscere ed apprezzare da colleghi e pazienti.

Grazie al progetto la Clinica è stata ammessa lo scorso anno fra i 4 finalisti del Swiss Ethic  Awards.

Il progetto gode del sostegno abbiamo il sostegno dello Stato del Canton Ticino (con fondi della Confederazione) di Fondation Assistance Internationale – FAI, Fondazione Praxedis.

Film Festival Diritti Umani Lugano Svolta profonda con la Quinta edizione

La quinta edizione ha segnato una svolta profonda per il Film Festival Diritti Umani Lugano, una manifestazione che in breve tempo ha raccolto un forte interesse e un vivo attaccamento alle tematiche e alle testimonianze legate ai diritti umani e ha mostrato come vi sia l’esigenza di essere parte attiva nella difesa e promozione dei diritti fondamentali dell’essere umano.

Il Festival è cresciuto  nella proposta, negli spazi e nel pubblico, rispondendo all‘esigenza di nuovi percorsi cinematografici e alla necessità di approfondimento dei temi legati ai Diritti Umani.

Da quest’anno, l’aggiunta della seconda sala al cinema Iride, accanto alla programmazione al Cinema Corso, ha consentito al Festival di inserire novità, come percorsi monografici, programmazione alternata e quindi più titoli.

Abbiamo inoltre proposto una mostra dedicata all’autore Simone Massi, i cui disegni sono stati utilizzati nel film Samouni Road e un dj set con l’artista e rapper Frankie hi-nrg mc.

Film e approfondimenti

Al Film Festival Diritti Umani Lugano, nei sei giorni fra il 9 e il 14 ottobre 2018 sono state mostrate con successo trentatré storie, fra fiction e documentari. Numerosi anche gli ospiti, sessantotto tra testimoni, esperti, giornalisti, che hanno sapute contestualizzare, approfondire e arricchire, attraverso la loro testimonianza diretta nei forum successivi alle proiezioni.

Tra loro Lamiya Aji Bashar, vittima della violenza dell’ISIS, Paqui Maqueda, testimone del franchismo, Aboubakar Soumahoro, attivista sindacale e sociale, John Baptiste Onama, economista ed ex bambinno soldato, Alan Friedman, noto economista e giornalista.

Poi ancora Laura Boldrini, ex Presidente della Camera dei deputati italiana, Rémy Friedmann, Senior Advisor alla Divisione sicurezza umana del DFAE, Sabrina Büchler, responsabile al DFAE del programma Task Force per il trattamento del passato e la prevenzione delle atrocità, Bruno Giussani, presidente del Festival du film et forum international sur les droits humains di Ginevra. Il Festival ha anche avuto il piacere di ospitare i registi Bruno Bigoni (Italia), Mari Gulbiani (Georgia), Marco Piccarreda (Italia) e Michel Toesca (Francia).

Come per ogni edizione, sono stati proposti  film di riconosciuta qualità artistica provenienti dalla più recente produzione cinematografica internazionale che utilizzano linguaggi capaci di arrivare con immediatezza ad un pubblico eterogeneo. A questo fatto si coniuga l’elemento della diversità che il Festival racconta, facendo il giro del mondo in più di trenta  film, focalizzando l’attenzione sui fondamentali e inalienabili diritti di ogni essere umano ed evidenziando similitudini fra vite e vicende di paesi anche molto lontani.

La combinazione tra film e dibattito diventa un mezzo di rilievo per riunire il pubblico cinefilo e quello interessato ai Diritti Umani, creando una vera e propria convergenza tra dibattito e cinema.

Il Festival ha deciso di integrare la maggior parte delle opere proposte con incontri ai quali sono stati invitati i protagonisti e i testimoni delle varie situazioni documentate, nonché analisti, ricercatori ed esponenti delle organizzazioni umanitarie, che con il loro intervento, contribuiscono ad illustrare e spiegare situazioni geo-politiche e sociali che per essere comprese vanno contestualizzate. Alcuni degli incontri sono stati organizzati in collaborazione con organizzazioni e istituzioni del territorio, permettendo una diffusione ed un impatto ancora più importanti dell’evento.

La partecipazione di relatori e moderatori locali e internazionali di rilievo, scelti in base alla loro conoscenza dei soggetti, ha senz’altro arricchito il programma.

Il Premio Diritti Umani all’Autore e altri momenti salienti

Significativa la partecipazione del regista Markus Imhoof, cui è stato dedicato un omaggio in tre tappe proponendo alcune delle sue pellicole più rappresentative, in occasione della sua presenza a Lugano per la prima edizione del Premio Diritti Umani all‘Autore.

Quest’iniziativa rappresenta un nuovo corso per il Festival, che vuole puntare i riflettori sui protagonisti che, attraverso la loro opera ma anche attraverso il loro vissuto, rappresentano un punto di riferimento nella difesa e nella promozione dei diritti umani.

Le scuole

Circa 2’000 allieve e allievi delle scuole medie superiori e delle scuole professionali hanno partecipato al Film Festival Diritti Umani per seguire, nel corso di sette sessioni a loro dedicate, temi attuali e importanti, quali la libertà di stampa e di espressione, la libertà di movimento, il commercio e gli investimenti etici, la migrazione.

Le sessioni per i giovani sono state organizzate coinvolgendo attivamente enti e organizzazioni del territorio, che hanno condiviso esperienza e competenze per offrire dei dibattiti approfonditi e di qualità.

Il pubblico

Il riscontro del pubblico è stato positivo e incoraggiante: circa 6000 persone (compreso il pubblico scolastico) hanno partecipato alle varie proiezioni, dibattiti e mostre proposte dal Festival. In più occasioni la sala del prestigioso Cinema Corso era al completo

Durante il Festival, gli spettatori hanno dimostrato di essere curiosi, implicati ed entusiasti, confermando non solo la pertinenza ma anche la necessità di una tale manifestazione sul territorio ticinese.

Inoltre, la quarta edizione del Festival ha coinvolto un pubblico nuovo, creando dei ponti tra i cinefili e gli spettatori interessati dai temi dei dibattiti.

L’esistenza del Festival è stata percepita e accolta in modo più concreto dai cittadini. Anche coloro che non hanno potuto partecipare alla manifestazione, hanno condiviso il loro interesse ed hanno diffuso l’informazione.

I nostri partner e sponsor

L’ottimo esito della manifestazione è stato raggiunto anche grazie alla rete di collaborazioni e preziose partnership con il Festival, tra le quali la Fondation Assistance Internationale svolge un ruolo di primo piano. Numerosi contatti e incontri con istituzioni, finanziatori, enti non profit e aziende, a livello locale, cantonale e nazionale, hanno portato alla costruzione di un percorso comune, realizzando una manifestazione d’indubbia qualità e di rafforzando le basi per rendere il Festival sempre più un evento di riferimento nel panorama culturale e sociale del paese.


Lugano, gennaio 2019