


For the period 2023 – 2026, the objectives pursued by FAI are as follows:

– To foster the transformative processes of organizations in order to increase the impact, effectiveness and efficiency of their action;
– To promote the creation of synergies and networking among organizations;
– To create new skills or strengthen existing ones of both directly supported organizations and their implementing partners.

STRATEGY 2023-2026

FAI pursues its goals through a strategy that is constantly updated in relation to changing international conditions. For the current period, FAI‘s strategy is based on the following guidelines:

– The pursuit of a general increase in effectiveness and efficiency, both of the Foundation and the supported organizations;
– The promotion of equal and stable relationships with supported organizations in order to foster shared and lasting changes;
– An increased focus on the impact and evaluation of results and their sustainability;
The strengthening of accompanying services offered also in synergy with Gruppo Ospedaliero Moncucco SA;
The recognition of the role of NGOs active in Italian-speaking Switzerland, both for the projects implemented in fragile countries and for the growth of awareness and sensitization to Development Cooperation issues in the Ticino territory.


FAI aims to achieve its goals through financial support, accompaniment and networking of organizations.

Financial support

Programs: funding for programs promoted by organizations with an established structure and recognized experience. Funds are granted for the strengthening of NGO activities on a programmatic basis, allowing for greater operational flexibility and inducing a qualitative improvement in the organization’s activities.

In principle, program funding is granted only to organizations already in a partnership or in a collaboration with FAI. Elegibility as a program partner is proposed by FAI.

Projects: alongside program partnerships, FAI maintains project-scale collaborations to support more specific activities promoted by recognized NGOs. Project support is also intended as a flexible tool to complement programmatic activities or in response to urgent or unforeseen events.

Accompaniment services

In addition to funding, FAI also offers support measures specifically designed for young or small organizations, with the aim of fostering their development and promoting mutual collaboration.


FAI promotes collaboration between its partners and organizations, with the aim of fostering networking, to increases the impact or resilience of its actions.