

Latin America

The Takiwasi protocol for treating addiction in Perù

In 2004 we visited the Takiwasi centre by chance… there was a garden immersed in the green Amazonian forest, various types of houses and buildings made of wood, a stream, flowers, trees, warehouses… and a pagoda in the middle.

A few months later we started collaborating with the centre which is still on-going.

Jacques Mabit, a French doctor, moved to Peru at the end of the 1990s, with the aim of combining the knowledge of Western medicine with the shamanic culture.

The Takiwasi centre is a place of experimental research and human acceptance, where alternative methods are used to fight addiction. The centre is also residential and people with a drug addiction can start a path of renewal, thanks to the wise use of mother plants, dietary recommendations, psychological assistance, continuous support for the care of the soul, research, training for future employment in a therapeutic context.

Mother plants are used, in respect of the shamanic culture, in order to lift up and lighten the people who are crushed by an addiction. Every single curative step has been checked and monitored with the rationality of Western medicine, in collaboration with research centres and laboratories, in order to be able to produce a real treatment protocol.

Today the Peruvian Government acknowledges the validity of Ayahuasca if dosed and used according to a protocol.

The Takiwasi Centre is now the driving force of an international inter-American network of alternative therapies for limiting and fighting addiction.


The FAI has been working with the centre since 2005, with the aim of guaranteeing a solid organization over the years, achieving an international dimension and at the same time, extending the right to treatment to poor people too.

The figures of these last 13 years can show us the beauty of this method, which is sometimes rigid, consisting of rules but also of care for the soul and the body.

Many patients have managed to leave their addiction behind them forever. The project’s statistics confirm this and they also tell us that in 9 months (period of residential care), we can heal, we can be reborn and can take our lives back into our own hands.
