

program partners

Program Partners are chosen by FAI. For the current strategic period, these are the current program partners:

COMUNDO – Together for a more just world

Program Name: Multiplying Impact through Mutual Learning Processes.
Description: The program has the ambition to increase the impact and efficiency of COMUNDO activities, and to improve the resilience of partners in the 7 countries of intervention to better cope with the changing international environment. The support is specifically aimed at enhancing activities to promote active networking among COMUNDO partners, strengthening and expanding mutual learning processes from south to south and south to north, thus fostering endogenous and self-determined skills development.
Period: 2025-28
Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Kenya, Namibia, Nicaragua, Peru, Zambia
Sito Web

Doctors for Africa CUAMM

Program Name: Forward All!
Description: The program aims to strengthen the organization by improving the impact of its actions. This is done through the development of a more competent and qualified human capital capable of facing new challenges and increasing complexity. In addition, the program aims to strengthen the organization’s capacity to generate adequate financial resources, thereby fostering the organization’s stability, effectiveness of interventions, and resilience.
Period: 2023-26
Country: Italy
Sito web

DREAM Foundation

Program name: Women care – Integrated HIV and HPV screening and prevention program.
Description: The program aims to expand and strengthen health services in the southern region of Malawi to improve HIV-related services and ensure decisive improvement in cervical cancer diagnostics. The application of HPV DNA testing, which is faster, more accurate, and less invasive than the EIA procedure, is an innovation that the program hopes to disseminate and turn into protocol for WHO and international agencies.
Period: 2023-2026
Country: Malawi
Sito web 

FOSIT – Federation of italian Switzerland NGOs

Program Name: Strengthening the Federation and NGOs of Italian Switzerland.
Description: The program represents direct and indirect funding to NGOs in Italian-speaking Switzerland. Direct, through funds for institutional and governance strengthening of NGOs in Italian-speaking Switzerland. Indirect, through financial support to the Federation and the activities of the secretariat.
Period: 2025-28
Country: Switzerland
Sito Web

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation

Name of the program: Moving Governance.
Description: The program networks 10 projects, in different parts of the world, dealing with improving conditions for participation in civic life and the right of access to basic services. Through the sharing of practices, documentation, and experiences, it brings about South-South cooperation that aims to strengthen and expand the impact of organizations and their capacity to protect and increase spaces for democratic participation.
Period: 2024-2026
Countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Ethiopia,  Guatemala, Honduras, Laos, Nepal, Tanzania
Sito Web

strategic collaborations

FAI relies on a number of strategic collaborations to implement its strategy.


FAI has been collaborating for over 20 years with the Charlemagne Foundation, with which it shares values and vision. The Charlemagne Foundation contributes to FAI’s strategy by proposing development projects in harmony with FAI‘s founding values.

Go to the Charlemagne Foundation website.


The Moncucco Hospital Group, supports FAI, where necessary, on issues of training of medical and nursing staff, design and implementation of governance programs or quality control plans for health care facilities, remote specialist medical consultation (telemedicine), etc.

Go to the website of Moncucco Hospital Group Ltd.